Refresh Augusta April 09 – Versioning


Once a month a community of designers and developers working to refresh the creativetechnical, and professional culture of New Media endeavors in our local area. Its called Refresh Augusta and is put put into motion each month by Chris Harrison.

Honestly though, when we first moved to the Augusta area, finding a group of designers once the last thing I expected. Im glad to say I under estimated the area.

So this month’s topic of conversation was “Versioning”. Mark Wallace is a freelance web-developer put together a very informative presentation which discussed the pros and cons of SVN & Version Cue. Feel free to check it out HERE.

In the mean time…. a few pics:


Viewzi stickers! We <3 stickers.


Almost game time.



Chris in the middle and Wes on the right.  |   Amanda with her patented fake smile. LOL


The pizza we ordered was running a bit behind, so we hung around for a bit.


Mark doing his “thang”!


This week’s topic wasn’t of any interest to Amanda, so she was quite bored. A woman of many faces. LOL